Photo by Pexels Since the COVID-19 pandemic has shut down non-essential services, many dog owners have found themselves without the ability to have their dog properly groomed. While this may seem like a difficult challenge at first, with a little practice, grooming your dog at home can become a great way to bond. And it […]
Author: furandtailfeathers
20 Must-Have Supplies Every Pet Parent Should Have
Photo by Unsplash When you bring a pet into your home, they are relying on you for all their needs—food, shelter, affection and structure. This relationship could easily last for many years to come, so it’s important you start out on solid footing. Here are the top pet supplies you need to have in place […]
How to Have a Great Camping Vacation With Fido
Who wouldn’t want to go on vacation with their best buddy? If you go camping, you can definitely take Fido! He’ll enjoy exploring the wilderness right along with you. Be sure to follow these guidelines to keep him safe and happy on your trip. For more details about these tips, check out the following resources […]
How to Prepare Your Kids for Their Very First Pet
Have your children been begging for a pet? If so, you have a lot to think about. Raising kids around animals is a wonderful way to teach responsibility and empathy, and can even have a positive effect on self-esteem and cognitive development. Not to mention that having a furry friend in your home will have […]
Dog Etiquette: Tips For Buying Or Selling A Home With A Pet
Pets are, to many people, a loyal and comforting friend. They are just another family member, and when we make big changes or decisions, their comfort and happiness is usually a big factor. Buying or selling a home is one of those major changes, and for some animals, it can bring about quite a bit […]
Four Paws and a Move: How to Successfully Move with Your Pooch
The entire family is putting in time and sweat to make the move happen, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to get Fido to understand what is happening. Moving boxes and movers make him nervous and uneasy, and the fast-approaching car ride to the new home certainly won’t set that tail […]
Guide to Setting Up an At-Home Snake Sanctuary
Bringing a snake into the home is an exciting time for your whole family. Your child will have the chance to grow and learn alongside the planet’s most interesting (and misunderstood) creatures. Here are some of the ways you can help your child get ready to bring a snake home. Start with Proper Habitat Set […]